Saturday, October 23, 2010

I play softball and after respectively team game and the subsequent few days after my departed knees get sore and stiff?

what can i do?I play softball and after respectively team game and the subsequent few days after my departed knees get sore and stiff?
stretch after the game, since you leave. Maybe rime it a little when you carry home.
This is normal because your puttin more presure on this knees than da other knee purely raped around with a special cold compress and it wont hurt
You are probably causing trauma to your knees, be sure to stretch after each spectator sport, walk for a time and cool the muscles down. If that doesn't work buy yourself a knee brace and wear it during and for a few hours after games.
Look into RICE dream therapy.
Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
Depending on your age, you might be coming apart right on schedule.

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