Saturday, October 23, 2010

I ponder my dad have a spider bite. Do you know what charitable it is, perilous?

There is a bite on my dad's back. It may be a spider bite, be unsure. It is swollen up like a volcano and have a pit in the center where on earth is indents a bit. Inside the pit it is almost black like a scab almost. It is bloody and doesn't puss. My mom squeezed it, no ooze, just dull pain. Any insite guys? Any website with info? Anything will relief.
ThanksI ponder my dad have a spider bite. Do you know what charitable it is, perilous?
It certainly sounds close to a spider bite. Spider venom cause tissue death, or "necrosis." Spider bites similar to this aren't fatal, but the necrosis can spread near the more venomous varieties. I would strongly suggest that he draw from the leg seen by a doctor as soon as possible; even a bite near weak toxin can cause scarring, and strong toxin can require surgery to removed the dead tissue.
If it come up fast it only just may be a spider bite and he needs to own it looked at. Depending on where u live and the species of spiders you enjoy there, spider bites plainly need to be looked at by someone who know exactly what they are doing.
I'm not sure, but I've been bitten by a brown outsider, and they are very serious. Get him to a doctor soon. You can also try webmd, but I would progress to the er.
This could be anything like a chigger bite or a tick is beneath your skin. Also bee stings can do this and if it is a spider bite then own it checked out by Doc.
your dad needs to hold it checked my dad spent 3 days in the hospital because he tried treating it at home spider bites are zilch to mess with
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