Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I basically bang my go before against a really knotty metal surface at the park?

my head hurts, what should I do ? also -- there's a strange pain surrounded by my neck !I basically bang my go before against a really knotty metal surface at the park?
If you are opinion numb or tingly in any cog of your body, or feeling nausiated, wobbly, confused, or dizzy, you should seek medical meticulousness. Otherwise, I'd suggest take it trouble-free for a day or two. I'm sure it hurts, but what you should survey out for is a sign of internal damage, not only a surface pain.
Emergency Room. You could enjoy bad wreckage to the nerves in your neck/head.
merely put ice on it first, after a heating wipe for a while, if it doesn't go away inwardly 24 hours, try and make an appt. to label sure everythings ok
Well, go to the doctor...
I'm sure if this hurts you, you wouldnt be sitting here typing around it online
i think you're a moment ago messing around
When I first saw the title I laughed audibly. But yeah you should go receive that checked out. Get well!
if you are competent to move freely be thankful and more mean, ice pack may relieve for a little while.
See a doctor. Preferably by style of someone else taking you.
You may have a concussion. It is best to see your doctor. Better secure than sorry. I hope you feel better soon.

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