Saturday, October 16, 2010

I hold this anguish within the moved out lower chunk of my stomach.?

I have have this pain for already 2 weeks i own been to the emergency room already 2 times and a step in clinic 1time this week. They hold done blood work and it comes out fine one of the pain is contained by my pelvic and is real discouraging the other one is in the gone side of my stomck it feels similar to is burnig, iretating,it feels resembling something is swolen they told me is due to my acid reflux but i don't expect so. I wonder if some one had any of this two distress before what hey did to hang on to the pain away?I hold this anguish within the moved out lower chunk of my stomach.?
It sounds as though, assuming you aren't pregnant, you may stipulation an ultrasound or CT to diagnose you properly, if not other diagnostic representation. By your description, it certainly isn't satisfactory to go on to even speculate near much accuracy. I'd be going put money on to see a doctor. I know you must feel you own gotten the run around. If you have a gut opinion that something is up, then be tremendously persistent. Things do procure missed, especially if it is something that is as subjective as anguish, that is the symptom of complaint. Good luck.
The first point to do is take a pregnancy interview. A female next to pelvic pain requires a *thorough* abdominal & pelvic (ie bimanual) exam and probably imaging (like Xrays or an ultrasound, and CT scan as indicated) If you *just* get bloodwork, that is close to useless. The differential for womanly pelvic pain is huge -- from benign mittleshmirz to ovarian torsion, ruptured ovarian cyst, PID, ectopic, not to mention adjectives the GI/GU issues guys as well as girls find (stone, IBD, IBS, blah, blah). Go to another care provider, and get hold of another opinion.
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