Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I hurt my foot give support to?

yesterday i was doing front flips on grass and on one of those i land on my hoole feet instead of the piont of my foot and very soon my ancle hurts ,
what should i do to fix it besides resting?I hurt my foot give support to?
Ice it for 24 to 48 hours, at least 4 times a daylight to reduce swelling so it can restore to health. If it still hurts after the 48 hours, use heat on it. This is straightforward first aid. Good luck!
Wrap it in an ace ice pack if you have one handy, elevate it when you're sitting down or sleeping, rime it on and off for 20 minutes or so, bear motrin or tylenol for pain, and wear supportive shoes similar to sneakers. If it doesn't start feeling better contained by a few days see a doctor for an x-ray. Hope you feel better.
ya this is what happen to my sister, you should ice it every hour, and try to move it alittlebit because if you dont it will bring worse.. then wrap it surrounded by bandages, and if you cant tramp then use crutches

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