Monday, October 25, 2010

I go out of toen and get focal sunburned nearly a week ago and own be reaction lightheaded ever since.?

I have a history of MVP, and SVT, but not dizziness. I go to the Hospital twice and was sent home beside an "We don't know what's wrong with you?" I hold never fel lightheaded until now?I go out of toen and get focal sunburned nearly a week ago and own be reaction lightheaded ever since.?
You get Sun Stroke?
Try Some Aloe Vera Cream and drink lots of Water.
Don't know if the sunburn has anything to do next to the dizziness, unless you are not getting enough to drink. Sunburns can organize to dehydration, which will cause dizziness.
The SVT you hold been diagnosed next to will cause dizziness. The tough part of the pack here, is you need to be at the ER when you are contained by SVT so they can catch the heart rhythm while its going hasty. They have monitors you can wear home to attempt to detain the irregular rhythm. Maybe you need to be referred to a different doctor to carry a second opinion.

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