Monday, October 25, 2010

If I hold Insomnia is it better to cart something to put together me tired or should I stay up until I go and get sleepy?

I am tired all year but can't sleep at night. If I thieve Tylenol PM or something like that it take about an hour to knock me out and I grain groggy in the morning. If I dawdle until I'm tired enough to sleep (which I'm doing now) I don't usually capture tired until 3 or 4 then I'm groggy the subsequent morning. Which solution is better or is there an alternative?If I hold Insomnia is it better to cart something to put together me tired or should I stay up until I go and get sleepy?
I hold the same dilemma too ... it's tough isn't it.
These individuals say 'go to bed at like peas in a pod time every night, blah, blah, blah"
they don't enjoy a clue what having insomnia is resembling.
I usually stay up until 4 or 5am when I can sleep for a few hours. Like you, taking sleeping meds make me double tired and groggy the unharmed next sunshine.
I don't know if there is a better solution. but I do know that when I exercise regularly I do sleep better.
intuitively, i stay awake till i get tired.
You will quality fine with Pranic invigorating and yoga.No medicine is needed.
Set a bed time, and move about to bed at that time every night.
set your alarm to procure up at the same time everyday.
Don't nick naps.
You have need of to set a rhythm.
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